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Why Pastor Ng’ang’a Is Against Wajackoyah’s Bhang Manifesto

Roots Party’s George Wajackoyah is among four candidates who were cleared by the IEBC to vie for the country’s top seat.

Over the last couple of days, Wajackoyah has taken the country by storm with his vote reach rising daily.

Notably, the presidential candidate has a manifesto that has appealed to the youth, with the rest of the country taking to social media to make memes out of it.

The most controversial one is touching on Marijuana commonly known as Bhang. In a six-point manifesto, Wajackoyah says he plans to legalize bhang once in office.

This move, he says will help clear the existing huge loans that the country has accrued over the years. He also plans to introduce snake farming which he says will be sold to international markets and the proceeds used to generate more revenue for the country.

Read: Professor George Wajackoyah’s Pledges if Elected President Excite Netizens

These plans did not go well Pastor James Maina Ng’ang’a who has vowed to stop Wajackoyah from ascending to power.

According to the man of the cloth, Wajackoyah’s pledges are immoral and will introduce immorality into the country. Thus, he says he will not sit and let him bring curses into the country.

“Nimesema katika jina la yesu hamtaleta laana Kenya ya kuua watoto na bangi,” he said.(This loosely translates to “I declare in Jesus’ Name that you will not bring curses in Kenya by killing children with bhang.)

“I’m 69 years old and you are only 62 years old, you are my junior and I will attack you over your agenda. And when we meet, it’s either you knock off my teeth or I knock off yours,” the man of the cloth added.

Read Also: Wildlife Conservationists Demand that Wajackoyah Remove Hyenas, Snakes from Manifesto

Wajackoyah’s manifesto has received both criticism and praise in equal measure. The youths have applauded most of his promises although political analysts have categorized them as unrealistic.

Notably, over the weekend, wildlife conservationists demanded that the presidential candidate removes hyenas and snakes from his manifesto. They said the pledge put the wild animals at risk of being poached.

“I wish to condemn with the strongest terms possible the recent statement issued by one of the presidential candidates profiling hyenas of having value to an extent of up to sh6 million and this has endangered existence of hyenas in Samburu County,” Holistic Wildlife Management Project Manager Antony Leaduma said.

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