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Why Raila Odinga Deserves AU Commission chairmanship

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ODM Leader Raila Odinga.[COURTESY]

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga yesterday officially threw his hat into the ring for the African Union (AU) Commission chairmanship.

In a press briefing held in Nairobi, Odinga expressed his readiness to take on the role, citing his prior experience as the AU High Representative for Infrastructure.

Accompanied by former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo, Odinga highlighted his extensive consultations on the matter before making the decision public.

“Serving as the AU High Representative for Infrastructure gave me the advantage of learning about each African country. I believe by working together, we can emancipate Africa,” Odinga said.

He emphasized his familiarity with the nuances of each African nation and expressed confidence in the collective potential to advance the continent.

Former President Obasanjo echoed Odinga’s sentiments, endorsing his candidacy and emphasizing the importance of regional representation in leadership positions within the AU Commission.

Obasanjo emphasized Odinga’s experience and understanding of Africa’s challenges, noting that leaders with a background in governance are best suited to address the continent’s needs.

“We need a person with experience, a person who understands the situation we are in and a person who comes from a background that can make a difference,” Obasanjo said. “We believe people who have held positions of head of government as prime minister or president will be the right people at this particular time to hold the AUC position,” he added.

This support underscores Odinga’s stature as a statesman dedicated to Africa’s advancement.

His vision for the continent’s development emphasizes investment in critical sectors such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, and economic empowerment.

Odinga outlined his commitment to championing initiatives that promote sustainable growth and address socioeconomic disparities across Africa.

Through a poster Odinga stated: “As AU Chairman, he can champion initiatives that promote sustainable growth and address the continent’s socioeconomic disparities.”

Additionally, he has been a vocal advocate for democracy, human rights, and good governance.

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