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Willy Paul Breathing Fire After Diana Marua Accused Him of Attempted Rape

What started as banter between two celebrities, Willy Paul and Diana Marua after the latter joined the music industry might turn out to be one of the biggest legal cases in the country.

Over the past two weeks, social media has been up in a frenzy after Diana Marua, alias Diana B released music igniting mixed reactions from netizens.

Willy Paul was not left out as he took the opportunity to mock and criticize Diana’s music. He went further and released a diss song where he made lousy allegations about Diana’s life before she met her husband, Bahati.

The move did not auger well to a lot of people and responding to the allegations, Diana accused Willy Paul of attempted rape. In a 26 minute long video, Diana recounted a day where Willy Paul allegedly attempted to rape her.

“I remember this day like it was yesterday. He came on top of me and started pulling my skirt up. He tore my skirt, tore my blouse… and I was trying to scream,” Diana recounted crying.

Read: Miss P Ordered to Pull Down Video Accusing Willy Paul of Sexual Assault

Willy Paul now claims Diana’s allegations are aimed to taint his image and bring down the good brand that has taken him years to build.

In a statement released on Instagram, Willy Paul says the rape allegations are false adding that he will seek legal help to ensure justice is served.

” We shall go to court and get justice. Every human has a right to dignity and that dignity must be protected. If we were charged for sexually assaulting our exes with whom things did not turn out as expected, who among us boychild would still have their freedom,” he lamented.

Read Also: Singer Willy Paul Takes Legal Action Against Pregnant Woman

This is however not the first time the singer has been caught up in rape allegation claims. Last month, upcoming musician Miss P accused him of sexually assaulting and taking advantage of her.

Miss P said that the I Do hitmaker took advantage of her and continuously sexually assaulted her despite showing a lack of interest.

“He forced me to have sex with him. Not once, not twice. I had to tell my mum because I had to seek medical attention,” Miss P said in an interview.

The case however took a new twist after Nairobi Court Magistrate H.M Nyaga barred Miss P from “defaming” Willy Paul.

She was also directed to pull down a video she made accusing the singer of sexually assaulting her.

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