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Win for Judiciary As President Ruto, CJ Koome Reach Agreement

cj koome, ruto

President William Ruto and Chief Justice Martha Koome’s Monday meeting has increased funding for the judiciary.

State House spokesperson Hussein Mohammed said the budget will support the battle against corruption and optimize the effective delivery of services.

Hussein said that 36 judges will be appointed, with 25 being posted to the High Court and 11 Court of Appeal judges.

Read: Ruto, Koome Meeting is Irresponsible – Raila

The extra funding will also be used to help with the judiciary’s transportation requirements.

“Resources will also be provided to conclude the vehicle leasing program to facilitate the judiciary’s transport needs,” said Hussein.

He also stated that the meeting that during the meeting that brought together the three arms of government, it was resolved that all parties would work together to eliminate corruption.

“Corruption remains an existential threat to the nation which has permeated the three arms of Government, undermining our country’s tremendous development potential and sabotaging the much-needed transformation of our nation,” he said.

The declaration further stipulates that rules and policies for enhancing service delivery and combating corruption must be developed by the three arms of government.

It was also decided that the three branches of government would have 30 days to submit suggestions to Her Ladyship the Chief Justice’s National Council of the Administration of Justice (NCAJ). It is anticipated that the forum will serve as a road map for the short-, medium-, and long-term actions that need to be implemented.


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