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Zimbabwean National Found Dead in Nairobi Hotel

Detectives are investigating the death of a Zimbabwean national who was found dead in his hotel room in Nairobi.

The body of Albert Mhondoro, 44 was found in his room at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Westlands long after he had died.

A friend who was concerned that Mhondoro had gone to check on him on Thursday July 25 in the morning after failing to reach him on the phone when the body was discovered.

Police said the hotel management tried also to reach him through the room phone but it was not being responded to.

This prompted the security to proceed to the room and upon opening they found the deceased lying facing down and unresponsive.

It was established that the deceased was working with Cadeo East Africa Limited as a sales manager in the country.

He had been staying at the hotel for days. The cause of the death is yet to be established.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and other processes, police said.

Elsewhere in Kangemi, a bodaboda rider who was accused of snatching a mobile phone from a pedestrian was Thursday stoned to death.

The incident happened at about 6 am along Waiyaki Way, witnesses and police said.

The mob also set the motorcycle on fire.

The police rushed to the scene found the rider already dead and the motorcycle reduced to ashes.

Police discourage mob lynching and want suspects be surrendered to authorities for processing and prosecution.

Elsewhere in Nyeri, police said they are investigating the discovery of a decomposed body of a man on a farm of nappier grass.

A man who was collecting trash said he first found a skull at the scene before he alerted locals who proceeded to there and found the rest of the body parts.

The body parts were collected and moved to Nyeri PGH mortuary awaiting postmortem and identification.

Police suspect the man had died long ago and efforts to establish the cause and identity are ongoing.

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