A gang of 4 armed robbers killed a watchman at the popular Mama Oliech’s restaurant along Marcus Garvey road in Kilimani estate. The gang which was armed with pangas, knives and a pistol raided the restaurantĀ around 3am where they found the gates not locked.
The restaurant is guarded with 2 watchmen. They ordered one to lie down before trying to break the main door to the restaurant. They then found a second guard who had then started making noise to alert neighbours. A member of the gang ordered his colleague to stab the noise making guard to “nyamazisha” him.
Guards in a neighbouring compound managed to alert the Radar Security rapid responders who came with policemen and found the gang had already escaped.
According to 2 watchmen in the area, November and December are bad months to work as a security guard as most of the violent crimes are committed around that time.
The restaurant is owned by the family of Kenyan football sensation, Dennis Oliech.
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