Author: Cyrus

Respected Kenyan blogger, tech evangelist, and social justice activist. Cyrus is known for his hard-hitting articles and opinions disseminated through his Twitter handle @Kahawatungu or Facebook page ( Email:

Local media house, Royal Media Services (RMS) which owns Citizen TV and other TV and radio stations has embarked on a process of discarding local productions which have lived past their sell-by date. According to sources within the leading media house, local productions which have been running longer than they should have been will be retired or left to run on the Viusasa platform. Some of the productions which are going to be affected are the likes of Inspekta Mwala, Papa Shirandula, Mother-In-Law, Machachari among others. Already Machachari has been replaced by Johari since the previous cast outgrew the production…

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The battle for Kibra Constituency is emerging to be a fight between key individuals and camps which are positioning themselves inside the Presidency and State House. According to sources close to the Presidency and State House, President Uhuru Kenyatta, PS Karanja Kibicho, Muhoho Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto are all actively involved in the by-election. The battle which is pitting some of the most powerful individuals in the country is proving to be so polarising that even Raila is now thinking twice and just looking for ways of working with whoever will win the seat. First, it is President…

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Vodacom Tanzania is not able to properly respond to the allegations that it’s being used to infringe on the privacy of its clients, some who face risks of arrests, abduction, and execution by the bloodthirsty Tanzanian government. READ: Tanzanian Police Confirm Arrest Of Journalist Erick Kabendera According to the family of the recently abducted Tanzanian journalist, Eric Kabendera, the mobile services provider disabled the phone line of the journalist shortly before he was abducted by state operatives, mostly from the intelligence services who later handed him over to the police after public outcry. Jamani kuanzia Leo rasmi naacha kutumia vodacom ili…

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Telkom Kenya has announced a partnership with Nairobi County Government and Meelin Media Limited to provide free public wireless internet in select parts of the city. READ  Telkom Courts SMEs With Cloud-based Voice Service, ‘Omniconnect’ According to Telkom Kenya, the initiative dubbed Link Kenya Project will see three internet hotspots deployed within the central business district, around Aga Khan Walk, Memorial Park, and Ambassador. READ: Carnivore Stampede Victim’s Family Still Seeking Justice Years After The Death Of Son Mark Karuu Each of the hotspots has a double-sided 55-inch LCD screen that will run paid advertisements to cater for the cost of…

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Leading financial technology firm Cellulant has today announced a partnership with Adyen – a global payment company, to increase Adyen’s capability to offer its global merchants access to key local payment methods in major African markets. Adyen’s move into Africa highlights how its single payment platform can drive growth with one integration and no extra contracts. READ: Safaricom Launches Overdraft Facility For Mpesa Users, Fuliza With Cellulant processing over 12% of Africa’s digital payments, Adyen will have access to 40 mobile money operators, over 600 local & international merchants and over 120 banks in Africa with just a single integration to Cellulant’s…

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Touted as one of the best smartphones of the year 2019, Huawei P30 Pro is now facing a bleak future as the phone giant deals with the ripple effects of US blacklisting it over espionage suspicions. Various news websites including Ubergizmo and Forbes are reporting that the smartphone is losing more than 90% in value on various e-commerce platforms. In the U.K., websites like musicmagpie have Samsung S10+ being traded in for £510 (Ksh 83,500) while Huawei P30 Pro now trades in for just £100 (Ksh 12,800). READ: Samsung Fined $340,000 For Hiring Internet Trolls to Bash HTC Launched at the…

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Oracle has finally fired it’s controversial East Africa boss, Corine Mbiaketcha who has faced accusations of corruption and favouritism in the East Africa office. According to a recent communication sent out to staff, Corine is being removed and her position will now be handled by Andrew Sordam, the Vice President and Regional Managing Director for Sub-Saharan Africa. Corine Mbiaketcha has not only been involved in cases of fraud where she is known to give kickbacks to senior government officials who push through contracts, but she has also been accused of removing many Kenyans from the East Africa office and bring…

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WhatsApp has announced that it is adding a layer of protection to the messaging platform’s users with a view of clamping down on those adding others to groups against their will with the aim of spreading propaganda, fake news or misinformation. According to the company, this will “help to limit abuse” and keep people’s phone numbers private. The app will also now have an invite system which makes it easy for a user to limit which invites he/she can receive from group admins or other users. This move comes on the wake of recent calls for limit to WhatsApp in…

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Kenya’s Equity Bank has indicated that it is at an advanced stage of introducing Chinese financial services WeChat Pay and Alipay in the country. Kenyan-based regional financial institution Equity Bank plans to boost presence of WeChat Pay and Alipay in Africa, a banker said on Monday. Speaking to Xinua News Agency, the Managing Director of Finserve Africa, Jack Ngaresaid that they are continuing to make the Chinese financial services technologies available in four East African countries – Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda. Finserve Africa is a wholly owned subsidiary of Equity Bank. According to Ngare, Finserve Africa is at advanced…

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The wife of Deputy President William Ruto, mama Rachel Ruto, was involved in a Kenya Airways KQ 619 plane mishap at Mombasa International Airport on Friday night. According to sources at the airport, Rachel Ruto was scheduled to depart Mombasa to Nairobi aboard KQ 619 plane (22:10 hrs) which was later canceled and passengers put on Jambojet 8619. The JamboJet flight was also forced to turn back to Mombasa midflight because one of the engines failed. Passengers were told that the flight was canceled and only 20 passengers of the 70 on board managed to find hotel bookings for the…

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Kenya’s Chief of Defence Forces General Samson Jefwa Mwathethe has been accused by a widow in Karen of trying to grab her five acre piece of land. According to the sickly Beatrice Sosa Adongo, she is retired and sick at home but caretakers of her property were chased by General Samson Mwathethe while accompanied by 3 other individuals on Thursday last week. The general together with the unidentified individuals threatened the caretakers of the property and decided to take over with the help a clique of officers from Karen Police Station. According to Beatrice Adongo, the land was allocated to…

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Two Kenya Airways (KQ) planes 5Y-KYR and 5Y-FFF collided and severely damaged each other just in front of the airline’s hangar at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA). The two planes were up for what is called C4 Check which is a major maintenance of the engine after a period of time. After the maintenance, the planes have to undergo what is called Engine Run which is throttling the engine to the take off level while brakes and chokes are on. KQ has not invested in an engine run bay at the maintenance bay so the maintenance team always use an…

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Telkom Kenya Limited and Airtel Networks Kenya Limited, today announced the signing of a binding agreement that will see the shareholders of the companies enter into an agreement to merge their businesses in Kenya to operate under a joint venture company to be named Airtel-Telkom. Telkom Kenya called its employees for a town hall meeting this afternoon where the employees laughed off the new name, even going as far asking the current CEO, Mugo Kibati, why it had to be that way. From the town hall meeting, the employees sounded uninspired and unenthusiastic in the announcement. Despite denials and loud silence…

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Kenyans have reacted angrily to a move by ethnic Somali legislators and businessmen to raise over Ksh 30 million for family members of two young Somalis who were also killed in the DusitD2 hotel attacks. Through social media, netizens have questioned why they decided to raise money for those of their ethnicities and not all those who perished while the source of all problems is Somalia. The fundraising was for the families of Abdalla Dahir (33) and Feisal Ahmed (31) who were both killed in the DusitD2 attack in January. Abdalla was a photographer while Feisal just started a family…

Read More, a provider of carrier neutral colocation services, has announced the commencement of construction of their second data centre, called NBO1, in Nairobi. This is the second data centre in the country following the construction of the company’s first data centre in Mombasa. Construction of the NMO1 data centre started in November 2018 and is expected to be complete in August 2019. This new site will host more than 250 racks and accommodate IT power of 825kW. NBO1 will have over 624m2 of rack space in an architectural design which sits on a 4,400m2 area and supposed to be concurrently maintainable. This data…

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