A Facebook user Oliviah Nyabwazi Moraira or ‘Kabz Nyar Kisii’ is spending her time in Langata Women’s Prison after she was charged with ethnic contempt contrary to section 62(1) of the NCIC act of 2008.
She allegedly posted the ethnically inciting words on Facebook knowing that they will stir hatred against two tribes.
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Mainstream media led by Nation Media group has constantly celebrated the unwarranted and meaningless arrest and detention of online influencers hoping that it will make others fear breaking news online.
Nation Media group celebrated that Oliviah was picked from Kisii and driven all the way to Nairobi to be charged with hatespeech while there are courts in Kisii which we pay taxes for.
Driving someone to charge in Nairobi is injustice in itself.
Questions have also been raised on the manner in which NCIC executes its mandate. It has been used more to silence government critics than encourage ethnic cohesion.
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Most government critics are always arrested and immediately detained before being hurriedly presented in court then jailed without a fair judicial process.
Meanwhile, those on the side of the government who spew hatred and buy arms for their supporters to kill opposition supporters have been let to roam with impunity.
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Hate speech will not be tolerated nor used by anyone to divide Kenyans. I have zero sympathy for anyone who wakes up in the morning to drool over others. Even the President was categoric when he appealed to Kenyans to love one another and let them continue with their issues. Violence of any sort must and should be avoided. WE are from the same country, and have coexisted for 54 years why start hating any one tribe over politics? None of these tribes has done the other harm. None of the presidential candidates know you other than a vote or a stastistic on paper yet you buy mboga or milk or unga from different people from different tribes and it is ok. Today you want to turn overnight against your neighbor. Let her cool her heels kidogo in jail before giving her a free bond. There’s a lesson there somewhere.
If you say that none of this tribes have done the other harm you are lying…lets not behave like Ostrich by inserting our heads in sand. We know very well in Kenya some tribes are considered/treated more supreme than others and in facts its done by the same President you talk about.