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Butere Family in Distress After Son Killed by Vehicle in Senator Malala’s Motorcade

A family in Sabatia, Butere sub-county, Kakamega County, is in mourning following the death of their son in a tragic road accident.

Simon Odera died on Saturday, March 19, after being knocked down by a vehicle in Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala’s campaign motorcade.

According to Butere Member of Parliament Tindi Mwale, the incident happened after Malala’s rally in Sabatia.

The legislator claimed Malala and his handlers did not stop to save the young man’s life and instead continued with their journey. He died before getting medical attention.

“The late, a youth at Sabatia, our great Butere was knocked down to death by speeding vehicles belonging to my Bro. Senator Cleophas Malala. The Senator, who had just had a rally at Sabatia sped off without having the humanitarian heart of taking the young man to hospital for medical attention,” Mwale said in a Facebook post.

Also Read: Senator Malala Lands Leadership Role in Mudavadi’s ANC

While condoling with the distressed family of Odera the MP said: “As leaders, we shouldn’t value politics more than the lives of the voters. To the family of the bereaved; pole sana and may the almighty God rest Simon Odera’s soul in eternal peace.”

Malala is yet to comment on the matter.

Also Read: Senator Malala Pledges Peace As He Surrenders To Police Over Bukhungu Remarks

Yesterday, the Amani National Congress (ANC) senator took his campaigns to Butere, Mumias West, Mumias North and Navakholo as he woos voters to elect him as Kakamega governor in the August 9 General Election.

The firebrand lawmaker is seeking to succeed Governor Wycliffe Oparanya who is serving his second and final term.

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