Gor Mahia held its elections early morning on Saturday in the midst chaos.
The process was conducted online through an electronic system, which saw the voting concluded in less than two hours.
Only two posts, vice chairman and honorary treasurer, were up for grabs as the other remaining two, chairman and secretary general, had already been decided.
Francis Wasuna bagged 226 votes (58%), against Sally Bolo’s 163 to win the vice chairman contest, while Dolfina Odhiambo overwhelmingly defeated Chrispine Okoth, garnering 286 votes (74%) against 103 (26%) to win the the treasurer post.
The victors were deemed “system” favoured candidates and were largely expected to win.
Sally disputed the elections and at one point was engaged in a scuffle with officials of the electoral board and had to be whisked out by security personnel.
“It is disgraceful and very appalling that we still have to deal with archaic behavior such as this. I will not accept this blatant disregard of vote theft and scheming. I am truly saddened by what I am witnessing,” she later said in a statement.
Long serving chairman Ambrose Rachier managed to retain his seat unopposed same as new entrant Sam Ochola who did not have an opponent in secretary general position.
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