Talented MC, Luo Festival host, K’Ogalo supported and comedian Felix Oduor aka Jalang’o is set to leave Nairobi for the lakeside city of Kisumu. Jalang’o is in talks with the 102.5 FM Urban Radio. He is set to join Grace Makosewe in the morning team after getting an offer of around Ksh 1.85 million from the station. The move might be great considering that Grace is also a talented presenter and she might have great chemistry with Jalang’o on air if you consider her line of jokes.
The comedian and current Radio Maisha breakfast show host has refused to comment on this but sources within Radio Maisha confirms that the deal is sealed with Jalang’o set to leave the struggling Standard Group owned station before the end of the year.
It is not clear how the current presenters have received the news but things might be tricky as Makosewe is currently rumoured to be in a steamy relationship with her co-host Kerry Martin aka Martin Murunga. She is blamed by the girlfriend of Kerry for snatching her boyfriend while they have a kid together.
RELATED: Why Kisumu’s Urban Radio Fired Edward Kwach and Promoted Grace Makosewe
But Kerry also blames the lady for sleeping around. Kerry who was former with KQ and was among the retrenched employees is set to receive around Ksh 3 million severance pay. While Kerry was in Nairobi recently to process the payment with KQ, Makosewe was always seen around his residence in Grace Ogot estate around Milimani, Kisumu. She is also a frequent visitor in the apartment while Kerry is around, spending most of her nights there.
But rumours from people in Kisumu also indicate that Grace Makosewe is resigning from Urban Radio. She has finished serving her notice at the station and is just looking for options elsewhere. Grace gave no proper reason for her intention to leave nor does she share much with her co-workers but might stay if she gets a better offer but she might also come back to her mama’s poodle if her demons tells her that being independent is so overrated.
The fact that Grace still stays at the Royal City Hotel in Kisumu clearly tells you the kind of a person she is. Not organised if you ask me.
But Jalang’o with his experience, connection to the lake side city and network might just be the person the station needs to move forward. He might bring in some energy in the town’s entertainment circles though in his pay package, he has also been reportedly offered a flight to Nairobi every Friday.
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