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How Dorothy Nyong’o Rules Kisumu County With an Iron Fist

Lupita Nyong’o’s mother and wife to Kisumu County Governor Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Mrs Dorothy Nyong’o is being accused of running errands for his absentee husband in Kisumu County.

Early this month, Kisumu County was in the headlines over a Ksh19 million Toyota Land Cruiser V8 that had been seized by the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission after allegations that it was fraudulently acquired.

The car was seized for investigations, but as soon as investigations started, the car was back to the governor, or rather the governor’s wife.

It is an open secret that the car, among other county facilities, meant for governor Anyang’ Nyong’o are being used by his wife Dorothy is said to have taken over the county functions, including firing and hiring at will.

For instance, when Governor Nyong’o was away in Qatar, his wife Dorothy Nyong’o was using the vehicle.

Read: Dodging Audit Tactics? Kenyans Livid As Fire Razes Crucial Files In Kisumu County Finance Offices

She even goes ahead to inspect county government projects as if she is the governor. Recently, she was seen being chauffeured in the fuel guzzler to inspect the Jomo Kenyatta Sports Ground as well as the newly refurbished social centre.

She was also spotted arriving at the Acacia Premier Hotel in the same vehicle for the launch of the cancer registry. Dorothy is the managing director of African Cancer Centre. It is suspected that African Cancer Centre could have budgeted to hire a car for her, which happened to be the guzzler  ‘hired’ and money channelled to her pockets.

“These are some of the challenges we have. We were not even aware the vehicle had left the yard where it should be parked to date. Its absence there now turns into another investigation on how it left the yard despite the ongoing probe,” said Mr Aura Chibole, the EACC’s Nyanza region boss.

Read: Kisumu County On The Spot For Buying An Old Toyota Prado At Ksh19 Million

The car was bought with foreign registration before being registered in Kenya. The governor’s wife and some allies complained that the car that was being used by former governor Jack Ranguma was old, necessitating the purchase of the new one.

Apart from the car puzzle, Dorothy is said to have sidelined governor Nyong’o’s allies such as Fred Outa, former speaker Onyango Oloo and former chief of staff Patrick Ouya. Also, ODM leader Raila Odinga’s sister Ruth Odinga, who deputised former governor Jack Ranguma, is said to be working in the county as a very junior official, in respect to his brother’s influence.

The deputy governor Mathews Owili is said to be just a ceremonial deputy, as Ms Dorothy as taken over his seat and now running the county affairs.

Professor Nyong’o, who is absent from the county offices in most times, is also unable to take charge of the county affairs despite immense pressure from the political class.

Read: List Of Senior Kisumu County Officials Reaping Hefty Pays On Suspicious Payroll

Dorothy is said to have influenced the firing of executive committee member for health Rosemary Obara and replaced her with Judith Attyang. Ms Obara’s mistake was dating a wealthy tycoon in town, according to sources.

Ms Attyang was to act as a link to the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Referal Hospital, for easy influence of deals.

Havoc was witnessed in the county offices after her ally who headed the finance docket, Nerry Achar, was removed and replaced with George Okong’o.

Read: Kisumu County Residents Want DCI, EACC To Probe Corrupt Finance, Energy CECs

Achar is said to have defied governor Nyong’o’s directives severally and instead opted to listen to Dorothy, a thing that put the couple into conflict.

The couple has been trying to play it cool in the face of the public, but power games are the order of the day behind closed doors.

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