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DP Ruto Allies Threaten To Drag IG Mutyambai To ICC Over Kenol Skirmishes

Deputy President William Ruto allies have threatened to drag Inspector General of Police (IG) Hillary Mutyambai to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over skirmishes witnessed in Kenol, Murang’a County two weeks ago.

Addressing mourners in Mathira, the politicians led by Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichung’wa, said that the chaotic events that led to two deaths were as a result of crimes against humanity.

“IG, the ICC is beckoning, you will answer for the deaths at Kenol and any other Kenyan that will die…Those misusing you now did the same to Ali before you and he ended up in ICC…Under your watch IG, people were poisoned in Kikuyu, people were evicted, all these are crimes against humanity,” Ichung’wa said.

Read: Police Give DP Ruto A Green-light Ahead Of Nyamira Tour After Last Week Chaos

Rigathi Gachagua of Mathira said that the police will have a case to answer once the next regime takes over, come 2022.

“Polisi mtajibu maswali kwa serikali inayokuja…Uhuru hangekuwa rais kama sio Ruto, na hiyo kila mtu ata watoto wanajua…Wale waliunda serikali sasa wako nje, hiyo hatuwezi kubali…” he said.

Also in attendance was Kiharu’s Ndindi Nyoro who said the Kenol chaos was state-sponsored and castigated the IG for having a church teargassed.

“Kenyans are peaceful, na hakuna mtu anaweza rusha mawe kama hajalipwa na kuambiwa atasimamiwa na serikali…Tuliona polisi wakipiga saluti kwa wale walikuwa wanachoma matairi na wakapiga teagas kanisa,” said Nyoro.

Read Also: Karua Dares Uhuru To Vacate Office Or Treat Ruto With Respect

They also described the latest government guidelines restricting public gatherings which allegedly target the DP.

“The law must be applied to all…And if they are angered by the new conversation they better know it will continue…The hustler narrative will continue, wao waongee mambo ya cheo huko juu, sisi tuongee mambo ya hapa chini.”

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