Former Football Kenya Federation President Nick Mwendwa has been arrested and taken to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters on Kiambu Road for questioning.
According to reports, Mwendwa was arrested moments after leaving Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi where he was following up a case challenging the disbandment of FKF by the government.
“He (Nick Mwendwa) is at Mazingira House where our detectives are interrogating him. We shall release a statement later,” said National Police Service spokesperson Bruno Shioso.
Sports CS on Thursday disbanded FKF and in its place appointed a 15-member team headed by retired judge Aaron Ringera to manage FKF affairs for a period of six months.
The decision which took effect on Thursday followed a recommendation by an audit team which was appointed by the ministry of sports to among other things probe alleged misappropriation at the federation.
World football body, Fifa considered the move by the government contrary to its provisions. Should the decision be upheld, the Zurich-based body promised sanctions against Kenyan football.
“We consider the aforementioned decision by the Cabinet Secretary to appoint a FKF Caretaker Committee in lieu of the elected FKF Executive Committee is undoubtedly contrary to the above principles,” said Fifa in a statement.
Articles 14 and 19 of the FIFA Statutes prohibits third party interference in the management of football.
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