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Google Partners with Female Legislators to Improve Digital Literacy Among Girls and Women

Google has partnered with the Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA) to improve gender equity, diversity and inclusion within organisations and in the workplace.

The collaboration was announced during the #Iamremarkable Week 2021 celebrations that were held from September 8-15. Through the partnership,  Google aims to expand its Grow with Google digital skills program to reach more women, girls and underrepresented groups in the country.

#IamRemarkable is a global Google initiative that aims to empower everyone, particularly women and underrepresented groups, to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

Read: Google Launches Second Google News Initiative Innovation Challenge

KEWOPA is expected to mobilize and support its network by coordinating with constituents and the group’s network of women entrepreneurs,  students and emerging women leaders who will benefit from the tech giant’s training programs including Grow with Google and IamRemarkable.

Among the legislators who attended the event both virtually and physically are: Gathoni Wamuchomba, the KEWOPA Chairperson and Women Representative, Kiambu County; Martha Wangari, MP, Gilgil;  Prof. Jacquiline Oduol, Chair, Nominated Members Caucus (National Assembly);  Esther Passaris, Women Representative, Nairobi County; Soipan Tuya, MP, Narok County; Ruth Mwaniki, MP, Kigumo; Jane Kihara, MP, Naivasha; Petronilla Were, Nominated Senator;  Charity Kathambi, MP, Njoro; Rachael Nyamai, MP, Kitui South; and  Beatrice Adagala, Women Representative, Vihiga County.

“All remarkable things are surprisingly simple, yet so powerful. Today, we’ve learnt here that it’s not painful for us to identify our remarkability, and it’s also not painful for us to talk about it. I look forward to an opportunity when the Google team will work with KEWOPA members to train our media and social media teams on how to package the remarkability of women politicians,” said Wamuchomba in her welcome address during the #IamRemarkable campaign.

Read also: Google Commits Sh100 million to Enhance Access to Justice

Speaking during the forum, Ms Mojolaoluwa Aderemi-Makinde, the Head of Brand and Reputation for Google sub-Saharan Africa, said the Grow With Google initiative had strengthened its efforts to support SMEs, entrepreneurs, software developers and the education sector in Kenya.

“Since the launch of the program in 2016, we have trained over 1 million job seekers, students and SMEs in Kenya to acquire new digital skills. This includes around 15,000 developers. We’re continuing to expand the program to support 100,000 SMEs this year and 15,000 more developers in the next two years”, said Ms Aderemi-Makinde who joined the forum virtually from Nigeria.

“In order to support SMEs, we asked ourselves how to leverage on the best parts of us as Google to contribute to Africa’s economic recovery. Our free tool, Google My Business, allows the SMEs to build an online presence and access global markets. We also partnered with Banks to provide SMEs with access to finance at this critical time.”

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