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I Did Not Agree To Drop Out of South Imenti MP Race – MC Jessy

Comedian turned politician Jasper Muthomi aka MC Jessy now claims he was unwilling to drop his South Imenti parliamentary bid.

Speaking to Citizen TV on Thursday, the aspirant said he was aware about the meeting at deputy president William Ruto’s Karen residence but the agenda was not about shelving his ambition.

MC Jessy told Rashid Abdallah that the meeting was originally about negotiations between him and his opponent, Mwiti Kathaara, who will fly the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) flag in August.

But during the meeting, the former Churchill Show comedian said, the DP urged him to drop his bid in favour of Kathaara and instead join his presidential campaign team.

Read: Comedian MC Jessy Back in Race for South Imenti Parliamentary Seat

“After negotiations, I did not agree, I did not want us to do that, you know you must also respect the leaders who are there. We talked to the vice president and he asked me to drop my bid, I later confronted him and told him that my community did not want me to support anyone else and give away my ticket,” he said.

“I was talking to my people back home, I told them the Deputy president wanted us to have a talk but not to drop my ticket. We were looking at the first option which is negotiations before going to nominations.”

After the news broke out that MC Jessy was bowing out of the parliamentary race via social media, he apparently held a private meeting with the DP and sought permission to run as an independent candidate.

“After the report was released, I went and sat down with DP Ruto himself and told him the truth, because there are leaders in UDA who do not want to see young people as leaders, and I told him I want to go back to the ground and continue voting and he said it is okay,” said MC Jessy.

Read Also: UDA’s MC Jessy Drops Out of South Imenti MP Race After Talks with Ruto

“All along I knew that I was the popular candidate because Jesse was on the ground, he is the one who campaigns for the party, he is the one we see walking with the Deputy President. The mistake I made was actually agreeing to have the negotiations.”

MC Jessy also urged youthful leaders against trusting others with their political ambitions.

“Young people have a task ahead of them, especially those of us who have recently joined politics. We have a lot to learn. Do not trust everyone with your political plans na kama unaonekana hauna kakitu watu watakudhulumu.”

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