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Drama as Jalang’o is Kicked Out of Azimio Meeting (Video)

Chaotic events were witnessed at the Maanzoni Lodge, Machakos County after Lang’ata MP Felix Odiwuor aka Jalang’o was thrown out of an Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party meeting.

According to the lawmaker, he had initially been blocked from accessing the venue but was later allowed in following the intervention of MPs Babu Owino and Junet Mohamed.

But when his party leader Raila Odinga walked in, Jalang’o claimed, he was kicked out.

“I feel bad that I have been kicked out of the meeting. I’m still in Azimio and ODM,” he said.

Read: Lang’ata MP Jalang’o Defends Meeting with President Ruto

“When I came in, a few boys tried to block me but later I was allowed in. But when Raila walked in, his close security told me to get out.”

The comedian was among the ODM lawmakers who met President William Ruto on Tuesday at the State House.

Others were; Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda, Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Caroli Omondi (Suba-South), Elisha Odhiambo (Gem) Shakeel Shabir (Kisumu East), Paul Abuor (Rongo), Mark Nyamita (Uriri), and Walter Owino (Awendo).

The party distanced itself from the meeting that was also attended by deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Read Also: ‘Ignore Them!’ ODM Urges Supporters After MPs Met President Ruto

“We know that in the quest for legitimate leadership, there are those who will fall by the wayside, and some will be compromised, but the movement remains unstoppable. This is a people’s movement aimed at defending the constitution of the land. History will judge harshly leaders who want to betray Kenyans by accepting handouts to scuttle the activities of the movement,” said ODM communications director Phillip Etale.

“We call on Kenyans to ignore such selfish leaders who only care about their stomachs and not the well-being of the millions of poor Kenyans.”

But Jalang’o has maintained that he will not apologize for meeting the president especially because the agenda was development.

“I will not apologize for meeting the president on development issues.”

Read Also: Jalang’o Says Fate of Fugitive Ex-workers in the Hands of Police as They are Spotted in Bungoma

On Wednesday, he told Spice FM that the time for politicking was over and it was bout time leaders focused on development.

He also maintained that he still would have met with the head of state even if his party leader did not consent.

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