Radio presenter and comedian Felix Odiwuor popularly known as Jalang’o has finally responded to death threat allegations against Youtube content creator Edgar Obare.
On Friday, Obare had alleged that his life was in danger after stating that he had been summoned by Jalang’o at the DCI.
This was in reference to a video alluding that Jalang’o was cheating on his wife among other issues.
Obare had indicated that he was forced to pull down the video due to threats.
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Taking to his Instagram in a detailed post, the renowned radio presenter refuted the claims stating that he had tried to reach out to Obare to no avail, and asked him to record a statement with the police as a death threat was not a light issue.
In addition, the former Churchill Show comedian stated that there were people who were eager to bring down a brand that he has sweated for and built for years.
He called upon bloggers to respect people’s families and not just put out things without proof.
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Last year, news broke out in regards to his marriage with which had been kept lowkey.
Days later, Kahawa Tungu had established that he was allegedly expecting a child with another woman, a model from Mombasa.
Following the speculations, Obare unearthened different stories and incidences that labelled him a cheater.
He however did not address the rumours, rather used subliminal messages to send word to those he termed as haters.
As of yesterday, Obare had indicated that he had gone incognito following the threats to his life.
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