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Kalonzo Musyoka Bodyguard Abducted Along Mombasa Road, Valuables Stolen

kalonzo, nys land

Kalonzo Musyoka. / COURTESY

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s bodyguard, Sergeant Joel Kieti was reportedly attacked by armed men, abducted and valuables stolen.

Reports by a local blog indicate that the incident took place in the wee hours of Sunday, July 5, 2020 evening while he was heading home from work.

Apparently, police records allude that after the former Vice President was escorted home, the bodyguard was dropped to a refreshment joint by the driver where he linked up with some friends for a few drinks.

Upon finishing the drinks, Kieti is said to have walked towards the stage to board a matatu when the incident took place. Four gangsters emerged out of nowhere and attacked him, armed with guns.

Read: Kalonzo and Karua’s Nomination To Senior Counsel Club Revoked

The publication indicates that the efforts by the bodyguard to overpower his attackers were fruitless as he was hit on the head, his hands tied up and was bundled in a car, a Toyota Prado.

Kieti was later abandoned at Shell Petrol Station along Mombasa road with his pistol loaded with 15 rounds of ammunition taken away together with a phone worth Sh10,000 and Sh4,000 in cash.

Reports indicate that the bodyguard had filed a report of a lost firearm, robbery with violence at the Embakasi Police Station although the issue has been referred to Karen police station for advanced actions.

In a different incident in 2018, a device that resembled a grenade was thrown inside Kalonzo Musyoka’s home in Karen.

Read Also: Kalonzo Weeps As NASA Leaders Condemn Attack On His Karen Home

Reports indicated that two vehicles drove by the compound, opened fire and threw the object inside the compound.

Speculations lingered over the incident with netizens linking it to politics since it happened just moments after his security protocol among other NASA co-principles were withdrawn ahead of the famous ‘mock swearing-in.’

It was however established that the device was a stun grenade used by security officers mainly in the wildlife to scare away wild animals.

“We have located where it landed and recovered a safety pin that was removed from the stun grenade. We also recovered a live bullet from the scene,” said Police Spokesperson Charles Owino who visited the scene.

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