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Kenya Okays Administration of Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Shots

Kenya has rolled out the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine booster for those who have been fully vaccinated.

Fully vaccinated individuals will now get an additional dose of either Moderna, AstraZeneca, or Pfizer vaccine six months after completion of the primary series.

Ag Health Director Dr Patrick Amoth said the decision was reached following advice from the Kenya National Immunisation Technical Advisory Group (KENITAG).

Read: Kenya Receives An Additional 1.17 Million Doses of Pfizer Vaccine from US

In the new directive, the ministry has also okayed the mix and matching of vaccines.

“The population that has been fully vaccinated should be offered an additional dose of either AZ, Moderna or Pfizer vaccines six months after the completion of the primary series. The same or different vaccine can be used for the additional dose,” said Dr Amoth.

He added, “Individuals who have received the first dose of Moderna can receive AZ as the second, 28 days after the Mordena shot was administered.”

Read Also: Kenya Receives 2.2 Million Doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine From Germany

However, if a serious adverse event occurs after Pfizer or Moderna administration, AZ should be provided 28 days after the initial dose.

Similarly, should serious adverse events occur after administration of the AZ vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna vaccines should be provided as the second shot eight weeks after the initial shot.

“Pregnant women should be offered Pfizer or Moderna at any gestational age, at first ANC clinic or at first contact with health services. Pregnant women who begun vaccination with other types of Covid-19 vaccines should complete vaccination using the same vaccine.”

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