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Lawyer Danstan Omari Summoned by DCI Over Matiang’i Home Raid

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has summoned former Interior CS Fred Matiang’i’s lawyer, Danstan Omari.

The lawyer is required to appear before police senior superintendent Michael Sang at 9:30 am on Wednesday.

They are looking into the crime of publishing false information, and they reckon Omari may be involved or have knowledge that would help with the probe.

In a letter dated February 21, the detectives said they are “investigating allegations of Publication of False Information contrary to section 23 of the computer Misuse and Cyber Crimes Act 2018 amongst other offences in regard to alleged invasion and raid of the residence of the former Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Interior and National Co-ordination, Dr. Fred Matiang’i on the 8 t h 9th day of February 2023 allegedly by a “battalion” and/or “garrison” of police officers.

Read: Police Raid Matiang’i’s Karen Home

“I have reasons to believe that you, Danstan Omari, an Advocate of the High court of Kenya, is connected to the offence or has information which can assist me in my investigations,” said Mr Sang.

A fortnight ago, Matiang’i’s legal team claimed that the former CS’s home was raided by police. However, various agencies including the DCI and EACC, termed the reports as false.

“Our preliminary findings have uncovered evidence of a well-coordinated and deliberate attempt to spread false information and incite public fear, unfortunately, spearheaded by a person of the standing of a former Interior Security Cabinet Secretary,” said DCI director Amin Mohamed.

As a result, sleuths broke into the home after a court granted them an order allowing them to search the premises for CCTV footage from the alleged police raid.

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