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Man Shot Dead In Kawangware In Police Crackdown On Muggings

A robbery with violence suspect has been shot dead in Kawangware, Nairobi, as police intensify a crackdown on muggings bedevilling city residents.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) says the suspect was part of a gang that was robbing pedestrians of their valuables on Saturday night.

The gang had reportedly accosted a man who was headed home at around 9 pm.

Read: Police Launch Hunt for Thugs who Stole Sh1.9 million from M-pesa Operator

The man raised alarm with screams of despair that attracted police officers who were on patrol along Kabiru road.

“As the officers rushed to the aid of the victim, the thugs opened fire prompting them to dash down for their safety, as they took position to respond,” said DCI.

The officers responded with fierce fire, fatally wounding one of the thugs as two others scampered for safety with gunshot wounds.

Read Also: Robbers Steal Ksh2.3 Million After Raid At Prime Bank In Nakuru

The officers recovered a firearm loaded with three rounds of ammunition from the deceased.

The deceased was moved to mortuary pending identification as the hunt for his accomplices continues.

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