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Sonko Confirms Plans To Join DP Ruto In Nyamira Tour Days After Attacking Uhuru

Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has revealed that he will be joining Deputy President William Ruto in his Nyamira County tour today.

In a tweet on Wednesday night, Sonko, who hosted a delegation from the region led by West Mugirango Member of Parliament Vincent Mogaka Kemosi, disclosed that he had received an invitation to attend two fundraisers that the DP will be presiding over in the county.

The DP is expected at Sironga Sports ground where he will lead a fundraiser for Nyamira South Boda Boda Sacco and later join Seventh Day Adventist Church faithfuls in Miriri for a similar function.

The DP and his hosts were given a green light by police to hold the meetings after interruption last week over failure to meet set government regulations in line with the Public Order Act.

Read: Police Give DP Ruto A Green-light Ahead Of Nyamira Tour After Last Week Chaos

“Today a delegation of MP’s from Nyamira County paid me a courtesy call at my Upperhill office. The MP’s Hon. Vincent Mogaka, Hon. Joash Nyamoko & Hon. Shadrack Mose officially invited me to two fundraising functions, ” said Sonko.

“My compliments to the Inspector General of police Mr. Hillary Mutyambai for allowing the function to take place, this is now what we call true democracy.”

Sonko stated that the move to block the DP from going on with his scheduled meetings last week by police was political.

“Matters pertaining to youth and women empowerment should not be politicized, ” he said.

“NB: I will not use a chopper to fly to Nyamira nor will I use my official vehicles but you will find me there!”

The latest comes days after the besieged county boss criticized President Uhuru Kenyatta’s over recent demolitions in Kibra.

Read: DP Ruto Postpones Nyamira Events After Police Dispersed Supporters

Sonko condemned demolitions that left many with no place to call home and said the law was not applied in the eviction process.

Sonko’s utterances were interpreted by many as defiance to the President who he accused of denying him a chance to serve Nairobians by taking over some of the county functions.

With the recent developments, it will be interesting to see if the governor has dumped the President’s camp for DP Ruto’s Tanga Tanga faction that has been critical on the President’s political moves.

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