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National Land Commission On the Spot Over Sh135 Million Land In Murang’a

The National Lands Commission (NLC) is yet again on the spot over Sh135 million parcel of land in Murang’a County.

Yesterday, during a hearing before the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly, it was revealed that NLC paid Sh135.5 million for a 50-acre parcel in Murang’a County.

Reportedly, the acquisition of the land went on despite Asset Recovery Agency (ARA) putting a caveat for investigations to be completed.

The Housing and Urban Development Principal Secretary Charles Hinga had a rough time proving why the parcel of land was acquired despite the stumbling blocks.

Read: Police Looking Into Sh2 Million Withdrawn From Late NLC Official Wambua’s Account

Ideally, the government is yet to receive the said title deed despite payments being completed as it is still registered under Chosen Builders Investment Limited.

This, the Members of the House Committee termed dubious, with Garissa Township MP Aden Duale questioning why the state spent such huge sums of money on a project that is not straightforward.

“You bought land that was under investigation. How was the person paid without surrendering the title?” Duale asked.

Read Also: Esther Murugi Shuts Down MP Questioning Her Ability To Perform At NLC

PS Hinga however, shifted the blame to NLC adding that it gave a lower valuation of the parcel of land.

“The process was lawful, transparent and accountable and without collusion, conflict of interest or abuse of office as it was conducted by NLC, who gave a lower valuation,” PS Hinga said.

The payments for the land were made in two installments of Sh53 million on April 20, 2017 and Sh82.47 million on January 12, 2018.

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