A niece of President Uhuru Kenyatta, Nana Gecaga, has now imported a maid from United Kingdom whom she is paying Ksh 600,000 in salaries. Nana, Jomo Gecaga’s sister, has a young baby and is living with the recently elected Mathare MP Steve Kariuki.
So friends of the couple were recently overheard discussing the pay of the maid recently. Close friends of the couple were surprised that Nana could import a British maid to come and teach her child manners, grammar and good etiquette when there are enough Kenyans who can work with the salary and do a better job.
Now even Kenyans working in State House wonder why the President can allow this in his family when he said that Kenyans will be considered first in employment. How will Jubilee generate employment with such discriminative tendencies from the family level.
Jomo, Nana and Soiya Gecaga are children of Udi and Jeni Gecaga (first President’s daughter). Nana owns the Bora Ubora PR firm which has currently been getting a good chunk of government deals. Jomo Gecaga was the man who delivered the VW Passat for ministries while his uncle was the boss at the Treasury.
Nana recently attended a wedding at the Coast with the British nanny.
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All animals are equal but some Animals are more equal than others-George Orwell ( animal farm)
May be she does not trust Kenya maids anyway. BY the way any Kenyan who lived in a home with the house maid knows that some of the dirty games that goes on when the maid boses are at work are not good, a good reason to import a write maid for me too. Here is the inside story of dirty maids based on my own experience in Nairobi home with the maid
1. Most maids dont like their boses because of the way they are treated
2. When the maid wants to do sex with a neibour or with a visitor, they prefers boses bed as a way to get even
3.most maid threaten kids and force them to eat and to sleep.
if a wealthy family can afford the alternative by importing a good maid ( assuming all whites are good) then let it happen for the benefit of the kids
Thats hate speech based on politics……let the people leave their lifestyle…..shadrack
Your grammar is telling. You need a British nanny. That said, your tax money is paying the salary
You elected Mr hyena to the top job. Better be prepared to satisfy the gluttony of the entire hyena family.
WTF? how did I get here?….