Pastor Hinn revealed during his sermon that the first lady flew all the way to Orlando, Florida, together with her team, to ask him to attend a crusade in Nairobi.
The televangelist told his congregants that the Kenyan government would foot all his bills.
“Something amazing happened. The First Lady of Kenya flew from Nairobi with her team, just for one reason; to ask me to come back to Nairobi for a nationwide government-sponsored crusade,” Hinn said.
The First Lady travels Business Class. The current KQ Return ticket to and from JFK New York is 1.6 million shillings.
Benny Hinn says she went with her team. Let's say 5pax. Ksh8M on flights only minus hotels and per diem, just to invite Benny Hinn for a crusade when they…
— Gabriel Oguda (@gabrieloguda) September 20, 2023
Hinn said that the invite took him by surprise, noting that he had never been invited for an all-expense paid trip.
“The only time I think we’ve ever had that was in Papua New Guinea,” he stated.
The man of the cloth added that Mrs Ruto was accompanied by Ugandan preacher Robert Kayanja, as they wanted the crusades jointly held in Kenya and Uganda.
“They want to do two crusades for each country, I said, OK, Lord, you still have more time for me,” he said.