Samsung is trying to create an image sensor that surpasses the resolution of the human eye. Our eyes have a resolution of around 500MP and Samsung aims to create a 600MP camera sensor.According to Samsung’s head of Sensor business team, Yongin Park, Samsung usedits nonacell technology which works by increasing the amount of light absorption that pixels are capable of.
“Compared to previous Tetracell technology which features a 2×2 array, the 3×3 pixel structure of Nonacell technology allows, for instance, nine 0.8μm pixels to function as one 2.4-μm pixel,” said Park.
This will also address problems often caused by low light settings, where information can be quite scarce.
Samsung is seeking to improve its Pixel technology to a point where they can make a 600MP sensor.
“Samsung is proud to have been leading the small-pixel, high-resolution sensor trend that will continue through 2020 and beyond, and is prepared to ride the next wave of technological innovation with a comprehensive product portfolio that addresses the diverse needs of device manufacturers,” said Park.
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“Through relentless innovation, we are determined to open up endless possibilities in pixel technologies that might even deliver image sensors that can capture more detail than the human eye.”
Park also explained about the various ways that sensors that operate past the traditional parameters are used. For instance, most cameras will only take pictures which are visible to the human eye with wavelengths of between 450 and 750 nanometers. However, there are sensors which can detect light outside of this wavelengths and these can be used for detecting skin cancer and improving quality control in various industries such as Agriculture.
Samsung believes that as we continue to develop, we might have sensors that can capture microbes that are not naked to the human eye.
“Sensors that even go beyond human senses will soon become an integral part of our daily lives, and we are excited by the potential such sensors have to make the invisible visible and help people by going beyond what our own senses are capable of,” said Park.
Samsung is looking into sensors that can detect smell and taste.
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