NEWS Upbeat Goldalyn Kakuya Wins The Margaret Kenyatta Scholarship To Brookhouse SchoolBy OpinionFebruary 7, 20190 Top 2017 KCPE exam candidate, Goldalyn Kakuya, on Thursday, won the Margaret Kenyatta scholarship to Brookhouse School. The scholarship, which…
NEWS ‘Golden Girl’ Goldalyn Kakuya Lands Dream SchoolBy Eva NyamburaDecember 4, 20170 2017 KCPE top student, Goldalyn Kakuya will be admitted to the Kenya High School, her dream school. Ms Kakuya, 14,…
KNOW YOUR CELEBRITY ‘Get Your Cheap Coat Out Of My Face’, Lilian Muli Chides Follower Over Top Student Boyfriend QuestionBy Merxcine CushNovember 23, 20170 News Anchor Lilian Muli got caught up in an Instagram altercation with a follower who attacked her over what she…