One of the most talented women in Kenya, Wangeci the rapper (born Wangeci Waweru) was involved in a road accident where one of her best friends died. Though conflicting information is being sent out on social media, some other musicians who are close to Wangeci like Rabbit aka Kaka Sungura (Kennedy Ombima) have sought to set the record straight insisting the rapper is still alive having just been operated on.
The female flow queen is however said to be in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the undisclosed hospital.
Wangeci was said to have been out and about with her friend Tionna Lyssa who was a total orphan having lost both her parents while she was young. It is not clear who, between Wangechi and Tionna was driving the Toyota Mar X but Tionna’s last blog post shows that she contemplated suicide many times. She says that life has been painful to her having lived only 20 years but had the experience of a 32 year old. Other previous blog posts on Wangeci’s Tumblr page also paints a picture of a disturbed young lady.
Wangeci is best remembered for her cameo role in the Rabbit’s Ligi Soo remix. She topped the chart of not only female but all other rappers featured on the video. Lyrically she didn’t have company just as she rapped on the video. The only female rapper giving Wangeci competition is Shikoh Femi One.
Watch Wangeci below making appearance at 10:06 point in the video
We wish Wangeci quick recovery.
Its a sad story ,pass me the hand chief too please