Uber has added a new parcel delivery option among its services for its customers in Kenya.
Once you enter the destination for your trip, Uber now gives you “Connect” as an option after ‘ChapChap’ and ‘Boda’.
The feature, which was announced to the US last month, allows you to send packages to your target recipient. The driver will transport the package on your behalf.
The feature will take on the postal service as Uber mentions that there is no “postage required” and there is no need to wait hours or days before your package arrives.
Clients are restricted or prohibited from sending a number of items. According to Uber’s terms and conditions, these include:
- People
- Illegal items
- Firearms, weapons, ammunition, and their parts
- Alcohol
- Highly perishable food or beverages
- Pharmaceutical products, over the counter medications, vitamins or supplements
- Recreational drugs, drug paraphernalia or tobacco products
- Money, gift cards, lottery tickets, or transferrable securities
- Dangerous or hazardous items including explosives, items that are not poisonous or flammable
- Stolen goods
- Fragile items
- Sexual aids, obscene or pornographic material
- Livestock, regulated species or animal parts, blood or fluids
- Any items for which you do not have permission to send.
Read: Banks to Auction Uber, Commercial Vehicles Over Defaulted Loans
In the US, the weight of the package should not exceed 30 pounds (13.6Kg),it must fit comfortably in the trunk of a mid-sized motor-vehicle and it may not be of a value higher than Sh10,000. It is, however, uncertain whether the same restrictions apply to the Kenyan market.
Using the feature also costs less compared to Uber’s other services. The base fare is Sh 55, per minute cost is Sh 1 and Sh 4 per kilometre. The minimum fare is Sh60.
The new feature will compete with other similar existing services such as Sendy, Glovo and even the Kenya Postal Corporation.
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