Victoria Kimani had to put one of her fans in check real quick after she called the ‘Not for sale’ singer “fat” and advised her to hit the gym.
“Beautiful but umenona. Time to hit the gym my dear,” the fan commented.
The 33 year old was quick to shut down the fan as she asked her to “Kiss her a**”.
This is not the first time that Victoria is being harassed or shamed for her body as she has been called names for dressing in ‘skimpy’ outfits and for being endowed as a woman.
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Back in February, one of her security details slapped a man who touched her behind as she was walking off stage in Kisii County.
“To the guy that grabbed my a$$, That HOT SLAP you got in the Face by the security detail…. You fully deserved it! BOYS Stop touching GIRLS without their consent!”
Just recently, Cyprian Nyakundi went on to advice Victoria Kimani to stop setting unrealistic standards and get herself impregnated.
This post of advice saw the blogger get attacked by singer Akothee.
In response Victoria asked Nyakundi to stop attacking women and even said that she was happy to meet him online and to know that he follows up on her life.
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