Evalyne Kerubo is the first winner of the recently announced ‘Dunga Milli’ promo by GOtv. Lady luck smiled at the 23 year old cabin crew as she won a cool Sh1,000,000/- cash prize in the ongoing promotion.
Just after returning from Lagos, Evalyne purchased and activated a GOtv decoder for Sh1,399/- earlier this month at a local retail chain after a referral from her dad who has been using GOtv for a couple of years now.
The draw, conducted in the presence of a Betting Control and Licensing Board officer, will see thousands of Kenyans win various prizes, with seven more millionaires to go for purchasing and activating a GOtv decoder.
Ms. Kerubo who revealed her favourite channel on GOtv was Sony Max and MNet Zone movies, says this was the best migration decision she ever made as GOtv was an affordable family entertainment option
“At times, I am spoilt for choice on GOtv especially when I want to watch all the great programming but my favourite channel is Sony max and Movies,” she said.
She plans to use her first million shillings in savings, education and tithing. She also plans to treat her family as well.
GOtv recently reduced its decoder price to just Ksh 1,399 with FREE two month connections and further option of paying a one time fee of Ksh 1,200 if you want to migrate to the unbilled free-to-air bouquet.
For more info on GOtv’s exciting ‘Dunga Mili” campaign and prizes or to find out where to buy your GOtv decoder visit our website on www.gotvafrica.com.
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