Troubled retailer Tuskys Supermarket is in trouble after auctioneers descended on its Kisumu branch on Thursday morning over unpaid Ksh26 million rent.
Reports indicate that Auctioneers from Victoria Blue Services, acting on instructions from the property’s landlord, arrived at the Kisumu branch located at the United Mall on the Kisumu-Kakamega highway and locked its three entrances.
The incident caught shoppers unawares.
The supermarket is said to have been owing the landlord accrued rent of Ksh32million but had only managed to settle Ksh6 million by the time the auctioneers arrived.
The auctioneer has attached the property worth equivalent of the owed arrears.
Read: New KCC Suspends Milk Supply to Tuskys Over High Debts
The auctioneer has threatened to put up for sale all the property in the next eight days if the Tuskys management will not have settled the debt.
During today’s raid, a lorry canter belonging to the retailer is said to have been towed by the auctioneers.
Kahawa Tungu understands that several businesses that had acquired spaces within the supermarkets’ building have been shut down as they were reportedly paying rent directly to the management.
Read Also: Tuskys Property To Be Auctioned Over Rent Arrears In Nakuru
Today’s developments come weeks after Legacy Auctioneering Services advertised the auction of the retailer’s electronic items, furniture and other household goods over unpaid rent in its Nakuru branch.
The instructions to auction the goods came from Riva plaza, which hosts the Tuskys Midtown branch in Nakuru.
The ailing supermarket chain has been facing hard times and is looking to sell a majority stake to raise capital and funds to pay off suppliers.
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