Author: Pinnah Mokeira

A group wants the president and deputy president’s tenure terminated through a popular vote in a referendum.  In a petition lodged before a Nairobi court under certificate of urgency the Kenya Bora Tuitakayo Citizens Association has accused the government of incompetence in addressing the country’s challenges and subsequent declining legitimacy of the presidency to steward the affairs of the Kenyan state and nation. The association has also accused president William Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua of violating the right to life, safety and human dignity during the anti-government protests. The petitioners say they are seeking judicial intervention to “prevent the current…

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An activist wants all online platforms selling tobacco products, including shisha, that lack health warning labels and graphics be suspended. Fredrick Bikeri also wants online sales and distribution of the tobacco derived products and smoking in areas without health warnings and in public vehicles be prohibited. In the petition lodged before the high court under a certificate of urgency, Bikeri says the absence of health warnings on social media, websites, online stores, and other public platforms breaches Kenyans’ right to information under Article 35 of the Constitution. He says this is especially critical regarding the harmful effects of tobacco products…

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A Nairobi anti corruption court on Friday released high-ranking officials and staff in the state department for correctional services on a cash bail of Sh4 million. The six who include the Assistant Director of Supply Chain Management Services, the Senior Accountant, Chief Finance Officer, several Accountants and a cleaner appeared before principle magistrate Celessa Okire and denied 68 counts of graft related charges. Mageto Omari, Sarah Kemunto, Moses Sirengo, Jack Ogao, Eric Mutai and Maureen Mwikya were jointly accused of conspiring to defraud the government of Sh301,908,000. They are alleged to have authorized payments for goods never supplied to the…

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The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) has distanced itself from allegations of attacking the burgeoning creative industry in the county. KFCB Chief Executive Officer Paskal Opiyo says in affidavit dated July 17 the board is merely exercising its statutory rights by “implementing the provisions of the film and stage play act, chapter 222, laws of Kenya and not introducing any new mandate”. KFCB issued demand letters on May 22, to content creators including Timothy Kimani alias Njugush, Jackie Vike alias Awinja, Ben Cyco, Eunice Mammito, Makarios Ouma also known as Mwafreeka, Oga Obinna, Abel Mutua, and Terence creative that they…

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A group of activists has moved to court to challenge the move to remove Attorney General Justine Muturi from office. It comes days after President William Ruto dismissed all cabinet secretaries and attorney general following a month long peaceful protest. The seven petitioners in their court documents filed at Milimani high court under certificate of urgency, want the court to suspend president Ruto’s decision that dismissed AG Muturi from office “Pending the hearing and determination of this Application and Petition, the Honourable Court be pleased to issue a conservatory order suspending Presidential PRESS RELEASE Statement or/and gazette Notice dated 11th…

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The High Court Monday quashed the appointment of Anthony Mwaura as the Chair of the Board of Directors at Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).  The court found his appointment violated public officers’ ethics. Justice Francis Gikonyo held that Mwaura’s appointment on November 18, 2022 as chairperson of KRA board suffered “procedural infirmity and illegality”. Judge Gikonyo noted that the national values and integrity were not adhered to while appointing Mwaura adding that it was inconsistent with the Constitution. The judge further said the termination of the criminal proceedings in his favor long after the appointment did not adorn for an appointment…

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The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) chairman David Oginde Thursday called for a bold stand against corruption, urging citizens to outrightly reject corrupt individuals. Speaking on July 11, during the African Union Anti-corruption Day in Nairobi, Oginde said: “It is time that we said no to men and women who are committed to corruption, we should ensure they have no place in our institutions at any level.” “We appreciate the voices of concern, but they mean nothing without personal action,” he said. He urged the members of the public to come forward and report to relevant authorities for action to…

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The newly elected director of Tegat tea factory, John Chebochok now wants BBC World Service Group to pay him Sh100 million as compensation for alleged defamation against him. The director also issued a 72- hour ultimatum to the broadcasting to offer an apology and retract the documentary titled Sex for Work: the true cost of our tea which aired on February 17, 2023 without his input. Through his advocate Danstan Omari, Chebochok wants BBC to “cease and desist from publishing any further defamatory episodes/documentaries or statement about him. Chebochok said he will move to court and institute legal proceedings if…

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A Milimani Chief Magistrate’s court on July 3, freed 185 demonstrators arrested in Nairobi on personal bonds. Trial magistrate Wandia Nyamu ordered the 18 minors who were among the suspects to be released immediately on a personal bond of Sh10,000 while the rest were released on a personal bond of Sh50,000. While releasing the suspects, Nyamu said that the prosecution did not present a charge or a holding charge to accompany the application. The Director of Public Prosecution through 10 miscellaneous application files petitioned the court to allow them detain the 185 anti-Finance Bill 2024 protesters for 21 days pending…

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A Milimani Chief Magistrate’s court on July 3, released four men who allegedly assembled unlawfully and threw stones at anti-riot police officers along Waiyaki way while taking part in the anti-finance bill 2024 demonstrations. The Director of Criminal Investigations through a miscellaneous application sought seven days to detain Henry Oringa, Mike Okoth, Augustin Shikuku and Joram Ndung’u pending investigations into unlawful assembly, obstructing Waiyaki way and throwing stones at anti-riot police officers on July 2. While releasing them trial magistrate Wandia Nyamu held that the investigation officer was on a fishing expedition. Nyamu also ruled that the “police should only…

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Banks and financial institutions are required to seek approval of Treasury Cabinet Secretary before increasing interest rates on loans and facilities advanced to customers, the apex court has ruled.  This is in accordance with section 44 of the Banking Act. The seven judge bench presided by Chief Justice Martha Koome also held that section 52 of the Banking Act does not conflict with section 44 and does not prevent banks and customers from negotiating and agreeing on interest rates for loan facilities. Even if a mutually agreed contract allows the bank to change the interest rates, they say, the bank’s…

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An activist has sued the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua over the remarks he made about the National intelligence service (NIS) Director General Noordin Haji. In the application filed under judicial review, Fredrick Bikeri alleges that the remarks made by Gachagua are personal attacks against Haji for his role as the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) in his arrest in 2021. He now wants the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) be compelled to investigate, summon and recommend charges against Gachagua for the inciting utterances made against Haji on June 25. “A declaration that the failure by the 1 Respondent to…

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The High Court in Malindi has issued temporary orders preventing security agencies from using water cannons and tear gas against individuals protesting the Finance Bill, 2024. Justice Mugure Thande on Friday ruled that police are also prohibited from using live ammunition, rubber bullets, crude weapons, or any form of violence against protesters until a case filed by Saitabao Ole Kanchory is determined. The judge also issued an order prohibiting the Inspector General of Police and the CS Interior from committing any extrajudicial killings, arrests, abductions, intimidation, torture, or cruel and degrading treatment of people protesting against the Finance Bill. “I…

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A Milimani chief magistrate’s court Wednesday dismissed an application by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) seeking to detain 56 anti-Finance Bill protesters pending investigations. The DCI through a miscellaneous application moved to court seeking to detain the protestors for 14 days pending investigations into the fire at Governor Johnson Sakaja’s office and part of the parliamentary building. While dismissing the application trial Magistrate Gilbert Shikwe noted that the police had not tendered sufficient evidence to warrant the detention of the suspects. In the court documents filed by corporal George Karanja, he said he is investigating robbery, arson and vandalism…

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A middle aged man was on Wednesday charged with sending threatening messages to National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah via WhatsApp. He appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Rose Ngumbi. Stephen Mwangi Kamau was accused of sending Ichung’wah the threatening messages on June 20, without lawful excuse using is account user name brand Trevor. He is also charged with three counts of cyber harassment. Mwangi however denied the charges. Trial court released him on a cash bail of Sh100,000 or a bond of Sh300,000. The matter will be mentioned on July 2, for mention for pre bail report. Meanwhile, another man…

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The Director of Press Service at the Office of Prime Cabinet Secretary Swaleh Salim and five others were Wednesday released on Sh400,000 each in suspected extorting of foreigners. Milimani Principal Magistrate Ben Mark Ekhubi granted the six cash bail and directed them to report to the Investigating officer once a week. The magistrate also directed the suspects to deposit their traveling documents and warned them from interfering with witnesses in the case. “There are no compelling reasons and the investigations can be done when they are out adding that the application by the prosecution lacks merit,” he ruled. He argued…

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