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Why Nyeri DG Dr Karugu’s Name Was Deleted from List of Newly Appointed Envoys

Nyeri deputy governor Dr Caroline Karugu did not show up for vetting by members of parliament for the ambassador to Denmark position.

Dr Karugu was among 22 new envoys appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta on April 22.

In a letter dated May 16 addressed to the clerk of the National Assembly, Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Macharia Kamau said her name had been removed from the list of nominees for postings to missions abroad.

“It has been decided that appointee No. 6 be deleted from the list to facilitate her execution of other duties,” explained PS Kamau.

Read: Big Ted, Dennis Waweru Among Newly Appointed Envoys

He did not, however, specify what those “other duties” are.

“Kindly communicate to the committee chair through the Speaker for this action to be taken in good time.”

Since April 2019, when she was appointed as Governor Mutahi Kahiga’s deputy, she has had a tense working relationship with him, resulting in a lawsuit.

She has accused her boss of withholding pay since 2019.

Read Also: Nyeri DG Caroline Karugu in Court Over Non-payment of Salary Since 2019

The governor, on his part, accused her of shirking her responsibilities, an allegation she has since denied.

Dr Karugu was supposed to appear before the Defense and Foreign Relations Committee for vetting on Monday afternoon, but was a no-show.

She had been given notice of her scheduled appearance before the committee chaired by Nyaribari Chache MP Richard Tongi, as required by the Public Appointments Act.

When she failed to show up, the committee was informed that she would show up the next day.

Read Also: Appointing Caroline Karugu As DG Was A Mistake – Nyeri Governor Kahiga

On the said day, the DG was among a group of female leaders that flocked to former Gichugu MP Martha Karua’s rural home to congratulate her on her nomination as Raila Odinga’s running mate.

She has also not shown interest in any elective post. Her boss on Thursday picked businessman David Kinarire as his running mate in the August polls.

Kinanire previously vied for the Mukurweini Parliamentary seat in 2013 and 2017.

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