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EACC To Probe Former CS Matiang’i’s Wealth

Former Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i is the subject of investigations by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission into how he acquired his wealth.

The EACC has requested access to the wealth declaration papers that Matiang’i provided when he was sworn in as the CS in a letter to Felix Koskei, the head of the civil service.

The anti-graft agency stated that it was investigating the former minister in accordance with Section 30(1)(4)(b) of the Public Officers Ethics Act.

“The Commission wishes to request for Certified Copies of Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities forms for years 2012 to 2022, including the initial and final declarations,” reads the letter dated February 27.

Read: Lawyer Danstan Omari Summoned by DCI Over Matiang’i Home Raid

The EACC boss has also authorized officers, Abdul Low and Paul Mugwe, to collect the documents from Mr Koskei’s office at Harambee House.

Five days have passed since Dr Matiang’i was summoned to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations headquarters along Kiambu Road over an alleged raid at his Karen residence.

The summons, according to the DCI, was issued to the former CS to help its detectives in their inquiries into alleged break-in that occurred from late February 8 to early February 9.

The bullish former CS, however, declined to appear before the detectives, with his lawyer Danstan Omari, questioning the summons’ validity and asked why it had been issued so late—nearly 6 o’clock, when the courts were closed.

Read Also: Police Raid Matiang’i’s Karen Home

Matiang’i said he was out of the country hence his unavailability.

According to the Immigration Department, Matiang’i left the country a week before he was summoned.

“The subject departed on February 19, 2023, through JKIA  on KLM flight number  KL566,” reads the letter signed by Director General Emmanuel Simiyu, and dated February 28, 2023.

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