Kenya Federation of Sugarcane farmers’ Secretary General Mr.Ezra Okoth Olodi has called on all governors from the sugarcane growing areas to help the federation push for the formulation and implementation of salient regulations in the sugarcane sector.
Mr. Okoth said lack of important regulations in the sugar sector is to be blamed for the chronic challenges facing the sugar sector in the county.
He said the governor from the sugarcane growing areas must now come up and help them push for those regulations that will benefit both farmers and the millers.
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Among the regulations that the Federation outlined as paramount include the payment mode agreement between the farmers and the millers and also the regulations that can end cane poaching.
Mr. Okoth said cane poaching is a thorny issue in the industry that has immensely contributed to cane shortage, asserting that millers must be compelled to establish their own nuclear farmers to avert cane poaching.
The SG added that they also need binding agreements between the millers and the farmers in cane harvesting, payment among other concerns.
He also urged the Governors to compel the National Government to bring back the sugar development levies which he said were very instrumental in cane development.
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