Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo has denied claims that his cousin Oburu Oginga brought him up.
The former Bondo MP told a rally on Tuesday that he took care of Midiwo after his parents died. He noted this while demanding the latter’s respect.
National Assembly’s Deputy Minority Leader however refuted the claims saying Oburu’s claims were unfounded and that he is only seeking “cheap political mileage”.
The legislator said it was the late Oginga Odinga who took him to Oburu’s house to help protect his property when he was out of the country.
“After writing my form six exam, Jaramogi took me to Oburu’s house to secure his property,” he said on Wednesday.
“This was after a house help who had not been paid for many months stole some things.”
Midiwo added that after Oburu’s return, he left the house and rented his own in Kibera, Nairobi.
“How can that amount to him taking care of me? Let Oburu tell the public the truth,” he said.
Oburu said he will not engage Midiwo in an unnecessary public spat since he is like his son.
Odinga was addressing a rally in Nyangweso where he admitted to rigging in Jakoyo in the 2013 ODM party primaries.