A court Wednesday ruled that three suspects in the Embakasi gas explosion be detained for a further 21 days to pave way for completion of investigations.
These are the plant’s owner Derrick Kimathi and, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) officials Joseph Makau and Marrian Kioko.
They will be held at Embakasi Police Station.
The third suspect, David Ong’are, will however be held for 10 days with a maximum of 14 days, owing to his medical condition, the court said.
He will be detained at Capitol Hill Police Station.
Magistrate Dolphine Alego ordered cited delicate medical condition for the ruling.
“This court is equally a human rights defender and must balance this peculiar circumstances for the sake of the respondent and as such this court here in orders the 3rd respondent be put in a police station near to the hospital that he usually seeks medication so that he can access his medical team at the soonest possible time In case of a crisis,” the magistrate ruled.
The magistrate noted that quite a number of people have been affected by this disaster therefore investigations of such magnitude cannot be done in a day or two.
Additionally she urged everyone to permit the authorities to conduct investigations in the most humane and expeditious manner.
“I beseech all of us and I repeat I beseech all of us to allow investigations to be done in the most humane and immediate possible way by the relevant authorities because we are either directly affected or infected by this unfortunate mishap at Embakasi area as Kenyans.”
The court was on Tuesday supplied with his medical papers, which were however not made pubic.
The state had on Tuesday requested for the 21 days to complete investigations on cases of murder, conspiracy to commit felony, negligent act and abuse of office.
Following the ruling, the their counsel led by Wandugi Kirathe requested the court to order that they be held at Capitol Hill Police Station.
This was however denied by the State.
Lead prosecutor James Gachoka noted that in their application for detention, they had well highlighted that they needed the four to be held at Embakasi Police Station.
The matter will be mentioned on February 28, 2024.
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