Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Joshua Oigara on Sunday attended The Potter’s House Ministries founded by the renowned Bishop TD Jakes.
Before commencing his “Intentionality” sermon on July 14, the acclaimed man of God recognized the 44-year-old KCB boss.
“We are grateful to have here today in the service of the Lord, CEO Joshua Oigara and family from Kenya,” Bishop TD Jakes stated amid cheers from the congregation, as Mr Oigara stood and waved.
The once referred to as the “Next Billy Graham” preacher joked as he asked him how he did, presumably with the pronunciation of the CEO’s second name, which he calculatingly pronounced.
“Good to have you here at the Potter’s House,” Jakes told him as he took his seat.
In his sermon, drawn from the book of Philippians 4:7-16, the 62-year-old Pastor told the congregants that we all ought to be intentional in everything we do in life, as it portrays maturity.
Last year, President Uhuru Kenyatta’s eldest sister Kristina Pratt also attended one of Bishop Jakes’ services where she was also acknowledged during the service.
Kristina had been accompanied by her daughter at the time.
Mrs Pratt is the firstborn of Kenya’s first president Jomo Kenyatta and his fourth wife Mama Ngina Kenyatta.
Kristina has established many facilities for the disabled in Kenya and doubles up as an ambassador for the visually impaired.
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