The employment and labour relations court has extended the suspension of Mary Wambui’s appointment as Chairperson National Employment Authority (NEA).
This is according to Justice Stephen Radido in response to Mary Wambui’s lawyer who stated that the former legislator is yet to be served with court papers.
Justice Radido has directed the petitioner, Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association (KYPA) to ensure Wambui is served with the court papers ahead of the mention of the case scheduled for November 14.
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The appointment of Mary Wambui who is considered a senior citizen came as a shock to many people hence igniting mixed reactions. For instance, she was appointed as the Chairperson for the National Employment Authority with different legislators arguing that there were younger people in the country more qualified and competent for the position.
This came at a time when President Uhuru Kenyatta made different appointments of the elderly to represent the youth.
Following Wambui’s appointment, the KYPA took to court to have it suspended citing that she did not meet the required qualifications which detail an individual to have at least seven years’ experience in Human Resource and its equivalent.
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Justice Hellen Wasilwa of the Employment and Labour Relations Court thus suspended Wambui’s appointment, together with the gazette notice detailing her appointment.
“Wambui has on several occasions personally admitted that she possesses a limited educational background. This makes her unqualified and unsuitable to conduct the affairs of the Authority,” read the petition filed by Lawyer Dancun Akhulia, representing KYPA.
Wambui after being criticized over the appointment was very defensive and stated that she was most qualified despite the age debate.
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