DHL country manager for Kenya Andrew Mutuma is on the spot for allegedly disobeying several court orders issued against him in a child custody case between him and former wife Faith Watari.
The case, according to reliable sources, has been on for over eight years since the two part ways, and the child (name withheld) has been under the custody of the mother.
However, in 2017, Mutuma moved to court seeking full custody of the minor, which he was denied.
On April 3, 2018, the court ruled in favour of the mother, and was granted primary care and has been living with the minor since then. Mr Mutuma was allowed to visit the child every weekend.
Kahawa Tungu is informed that in June 2019, he abducted the minor and held her for two weeks upon which he was compelled by the court to bring the minor to court or face arrest.
On August 11, 2020, the minor went to visit her dad as usual and hasn’t been allowed to see her mother since then.
According to the mother who spoke to Kahawa Tungu, the daughter communicated on the night of August 11, 2020 via text message that she had had the worst night because her father and step mother had a physical fight and that she wanted to see her mother.
On August 27, 2020 she texted her mother and informed her that the father would be keeping her for a very long time and she didn’t know when she would be allowed to return to the mother.
“The longest time the child has stayed away from her mother has been two weeks. The child has been held captive by her father for 16 weeks,” Ms Watari says.
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On November 13, 2020, Ms Watari went to the Children’s Court to seek intervention to have the child restored to her. Orders were granted that the child be returned to the mother and that the OCS from Muthangari Police Station Mr David Labaha assist in effecting the court order.
On Monday, November 16, 2020, the mother went for assistance from Muthangari Police station and was provided three police officers (two male and one female).
Just before they left the police station, Mutuma drove in and went in for a meeting with the Deputy OCS, Kahawa Tungu is informed.
“After a few minutes they came out laughing and the police that had been ordered to assist with the recovery of the child were withdrawn,” adds Ms Watari.
When Ms Watari sought to understand what had just happened, the police walked away.
On Tuesday November 17, 2020, the mother went to Muthangari Police station again to seek assistance and was given different police officers. They drove to the father’s home as the mother waited outside the gate.
“After an hour they emerged yet again with Mutuma and without the child citing challenges since Mutuma is a firearm holder. They seemed afraid of provoking him,” adds Ms Watari.
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The mother returned to court after the police were unable to effect the court order and new orders were granted on Thursday, November 26, 2020. The new orders required the OCS Mr Labaha to appear in court to explain why he was unable to assist in effecting the court order.
Mr Mutuma has also been ordered to bring the child to court on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 or face arrest without further notice.
Andrew Mutuma and Faith Watari had been married for 10 years before separating after the latter accused the former of violence.
Mutuma is now married to Lizz Ntonjira.
Efforts to reach him bore no fruits as he neither answered calls nor responded to our text messages by the time of going to press.
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