A former MP has been accused of bigamy by his first wife, Agnes Mueni.
Former Kathiani MP Peter Kyalo Kaindi is accused of marrying another woman who was still legally married to another man.
“Take notice that we have instruction to notify you that the alleged marriage to the said Judith Ndunge Ngunia is and was unlawful and illegal and in fact, you have committed a criminal offence of bigamy,” Mueni says.
In a case filed in a Machakos court, Mueni is seeking to block her husband with whom she shares three children, from burying Judith Ndunge in a plot of land she claims they acquired together.
In a letter through Alphonce Mutinda & Company Advocates, Mueni argues that she has a stake in the property located in Mavoko.
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Mueni who previously worked at the Ministry of Agriculture in Embu, has also objected to Kaindi’s plans to engage the deceased so that he can bury the body.
She claims that their union was never annulled and as such, they are still married.
Mueni has said that she and Kaindi got hitched at St Peter’s Claver’s Catholic Church in Nairobi on May 9, 1987.
Kaindi, she says, deserted their family in 1999 and thereafter started cohabiting with Ndunge, a former employee of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“He deserted me from 1999 and during the time of our marriage up to date, we jointly acquired a lot of properties,” she says in court documents.
The former legislator through his lawyer Kairu Mbuthia says the property in question was acquired with the deceased.
“Your client does not have any legal right, real or imagined over the said property,” Kaindi said.
He also notes that he and the complainant have been separated for at least 22 years.
Ndunge will be interred on April 23 in Joska, a newspaper notice indicated.
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