The internet has provided job opportunities for many individuals across the globe. It has particularly opened doors for many unemployed youth in Kenya.
According to renowned Kenyan blogger, Robert Alai, the content creation space is largely unexploited. There are opportunities in blogging (writing), audio (podcasting) and video (vlogging).
To start creating content, popular vlogger Jaymo Ule Msee gave a few tips to aspiring video creators in an interview on Alai’s YouTube Channel “The Audit”.
Here are six useful tips to get you started.
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1. Start with what you have
Content creation does not require huge expenses. If you want to start vlogging, you can do so using your mobile phone. Jaymo says that although tripods and editing material have become even more affordable, not everyone can buy them from the get-go.
Some of the more seasoned vloggers now operate with teams of videographers, scriptwriters, editors and directors.
Once you start creating content, you need to find a way to ensure that you keep your audience locked. You can create content, weekly or bi-weekly depending on how much you can churn out. The important thing is to ensure that you are consistent.
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The more consistent you are, the easier it is to grow your follower-base. The more followers you have, the easier it is to get brand endorsements and advertisers.
When creating content, pick a niche that you are passionate about. Jaymo Ule Msee uses comedy to attract his audience, The WaJesus family focuses on family, while Over 25 talk about women’s lifestyles. All of them have amassed a huge following of audiences interested in their particular content.
When a creator is passionate about their content, it is easy to come up with new ideas for new videos.
4. Pick a platform you are most comfortable with
Jaymo Ule Msee says his primary platform is Facebook Watch. If you are able to connect more with your audience on Instagram, YouTube or Facebook, go with it.
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Nowadays, more people are leaving behind a huge following on their social media and rushing to start channels on YouTube.
Take advantage of the 1,000 followers on Instagram by consistently sharing stories or the 5,000 on Facebook by uploading your videos to Facebook Watch.
YouTube is equally great, but it is not the only medium. You can influence your audience from any channel.
5. Get Started
Content creation is cheap to start. With your mobile phone, you can start sharing content. Your unique content could be anything regarding your lifestyle.
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Instagram influencer, Its_Waithera shares various videos, some while making her bed and changing clothes in her bedroom regularly. As a result, she advertises bedsheets brands and several fashion brands.
If you want to start creating, go for it and start shooting. Avoid procrastinating and dilly-dallying around it.
6. Learn
Like any career, invest in learning to perfect your skills in content creation. Watch videos from seasoned creators and reach out if you need tips and mentorship. The more you learn, the better you will become af your own craft.
The internet also provides tons of video creation tools, some for free. Canva allows users to create social media posters easily and for free, you can also use a platform like hatchful to create your own free logo and vimeo, inshot or TikTok to edit your videos.
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