NGO Board’s Executive Director, Fazul Mahamed has on Tuesday asked the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to speedily arrest members and directors of African Centre For Open Governance (AFRICOG).
According to Fazul, AFRICOG is operating a non-governmental organization without registration contrary to the NGOs coordination Act 1990.
”The board has however noted that AFRICOG is not registered under the NGOs co-ordination Act 1990 as required by law. In fact AFRICOG is and continues to operate as a charitable organization in direct contravention of section 22 (1) which according to the Act is an offense punishable by law,” the letter read in part.
He directed that the organization ceased all its operations with immediate effect until it acquires a certificate of registration.
The Central Bank has also been advised to freeze all the organization’s accounts and funds.
The board on Monday deregistered Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) citing misappropriation of funds and unpaid taxes amounting to 100 million.
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