Kenya National commission on Human rights (KNCHR) has condemned the treatment that the government gave to Miguna Miguna after his arrival in Kenya on Monday
They have also condemned the contempt of orders that have been seen by senior state officers , Kagwiria Mbogori said that no state officer is above the law and that state officers should set a better example.
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Chairperson Kagweria Mbogori said that anarchy was not democracy and the two should not be confused.
Amnesty International and the law society of Kenya have condemned the move to deport Miguna even in the presence of court orders.
An officer attached to the KNCHR who was been with Miguna all through his detention had posted that he left the lawyer to go get food but when he came back the lawyer was already on board a flight to Dubai.
The lawyer is currently hospitalized in Dubai after he complained of pains in this arms and ribs.
Members of parliament from the NASA coalition have also condemned the deportation.
Miguna is currently stateless in Dubai as he neither has his Canadian nor Kenyan passports.
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