Laikipia North Mp, Mathew Lempurkel on Monday appeared in a Kibera court over hate speech allegations.
The legislator was arrested in Nanyuki on Saturday and later taken to Narumoru police station where he spent his weekend.
Mary Wang’ele, State Counsel asked for the Mp to be held for one more day, a plea Justice Joyce Gandani denied saying he was not a flight risk.
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Lempurkel was arrested for inciteful remarks. He said that white farmers would be driven out of Laikipia should NASA presidential caandidate, Raila Odinga win the August elections.
He also told the court that he did not have access to his phone during his stay in the cells.Officers said they were only following ‘orders from above.’
The case will be heard on Friday as the DPP is supposed to give further directives.
The vocal member of parliament was released on a cash bail of Sh. 100,000 or a 300,000 bond.
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