Telegram has announced a new update on its livestreams feature, allowing an unlimited number of viewers to its groups and channels. Also included is the option to remove captions from media and hide identity of senders when forwarding files.
In a blog post, the company said users can now host livestreams and group video calls with an unlimited number of participants. For video calls however, the unlimited number depends on the number of people in the group.
Admins can tap on “livestream ” in a channel or “video chat” in groups to start a session. The livestream audience can also raise hands and join in as speakers with the admin’s permission.
Read: Telegram Launches Group Video Calls in Latest Update
In addition to this, Telegram has added a privacy feature allowing users to forward a message with the initial sender’s name hidden.
Users who are subscribed to multiple channels can also jump from one to the next without going back to the chat list.
Telegram has added a number of features to the messaging app putting it in direct competition with other social media and videoconferencing apps.
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