While Nairobi Governor is claimingĀ to do all manner of Harambee’s and uplift the standard of living elsewhere, the primary school next to his parents home in Asumbi is just not what you would expect.
According to sources on the ground, Gem Nyabola Primary School has no single concrete building with the school buildings still mud-walled and some of the roofings are grass thatched. The school neighbours Kidero’s parents’ home in Rangwe.
Buildings at Gem Nyabola Primary School
The situation in the school is so bad that most of the learnings cannot happen when it rains as the school roofing leaks and even the imagined shelters never help to protect the children. While Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero is seeking to replace Raila and claim to be the saviour of Luos, he has not done much to improve the living conditions of the said Luos in Nairobi or Homabay where he has influence.
While Kidero is accused of running down companies like Mumias, he did not do much to help sugarcane famers or share the loot from Mumias and now Nairobi county, with the residents of Hmabay or Nairobi county who support him. Kidero is a paper tiger.
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na ya bondo neighbour ya Raila?
Which one in Bondo? You must mention his name you David Mutinda Kamulo?
what about the one neighbouring Raila?
Kilonzo why does Raila concern you so much? Did he fuck you one time?
No politician is snow white
its not his responsibility
How does it become his responsibility?
There is a slot of smear campaign against Kidero by CORD
Raila has been accused of not developing schools in as far as homabay while he hails from Bondo,Represented Langata and has never been education minister …I fact he has even been accused for not building toilets for kibera landlords in their plots! why do some people say then that kidero shouldn’t be blamed for this one?
What do we want? Should he develop those schools? Do harambees for the school? Where’s the ministry of education? Is that not their job? Or country government’s job? Harambees encourage theft.
Guys, If i were Kidero (Thank God am not), I would have done that as a gesture of givin back to the community, rather than as a responsibility. So u baffle me when u mention Ministries, Counties blah blah
Ask Raila why he has not repaired his mother inlaws toilet for the last 3 years after it was taken down by floods ?? kidero is just a scaape goat of your domant ODM members
Raila makes grown men squirm. Grown men masturbating at the image of Raila