Generating an invoice on eTIMS (Electronic Tax Invoice Monitoring System) is a straightforward process. Follow these steps on how to generate an invoice on eTIMS.
- Visit the eTIMS portal and log in using your credentials.
- Once logged in, navigate to the “Invoicing” or “Generate Invoice” section of the eTIMS dashboard.
- Fill in the required details for the invoice, including the seller’s information, buyer’s information, invoice number, date, and details of the goods or services provided.
- Enter the details of the items or services being invoiced, including descriptions, quantities, unit prices, and applicable taxes.
- Double-check all the information entered to ensure accuracy and compliance with tax regulations.
- Once all the details are entered and verified, click on the “Generate Invoice” or similar button to create the invoice.
- After generating the invoice, you should have the option to download it in PDF format. Click on the download button to save the invoice to your device.
- Once downloaded, you can print the invoice for your records or share it with the buyer electronically.
How to Print an Invoice from eTIMS KRA
- Printing an invoice from eTIMS KRA is a simple process. Here’s how to do it:
- Access the eTIMS KRA portal using your login credentials.
- Navigate to the section of the portal where your generated invoices are stored. This may be labeled as “Invoices,” “Generated Documents,” or something similar.
- Find the invoice you want to print from the list of generated documents. You may need to use search filters or scroll through the list to locate the specific invoice.
- Click on the invoice to open it in the eTIMS KRA interface. The invoice will typically be displayed in PDF format within the portal.
- Once the invoice is open, use the print function provided by your web browser or the eTIMS KRA portal to print the document. You can usually find the print option in the menu or toolbar of the browser or portal interface.
- Before printing, you may want to adjust the printing settings such as paper size, orientation, and color preferences to ensure the invoice is printed correctly.
- Once you’ve configured the printing settings, click on the “Print” button to send the invoice to your printer. Make sure your printer is connected and properly set up to print the document.
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